
Node.js Azure Web App built with Atom TypeScript

I wrote a very simple Azure web app using Atom editor with the Atom TypeScript package. It is deployed at http://ipmy.azurewebsites.net/ and it simply returns your IP address as JSON. The code looks like this:

The tsconfig.json, I simply created with empty json `{}` and Atom TypeScript added to it. The web.config is the one automatically generated by Azure when you deploy. I used tsd to download and install node.d.ts from http://definitelytyped.org/tsd/.

sudo npm install tsd@next -g
tsd install node --save

Overall, I like Atom TypeScript so far and I'm going to keep using it.

Azure Web App Private IP

Besides learning about the new tools, the purpose of the app is so that I can determine the private IP address of other web apps within the same Azure data center region, West US in this case. My goal is to configure my Azure SQL firewalls to by more secure by allowing connections from just the IPs of my web apps instead of any IP service in all of Azure. I am able to get the private IP address by using this service with curl in the Kudu console of another web app in the same data center.

Success! However, does anyone know how dynamic/static that IP address is? It that IP address used valid for all instances in the same App Service plan? If it is static for all instances in the plan, then this is a solution to securing Azure SQL by IP address in the same data center.