
Announcing SourceLink.exe

I released SourceLink.exe with version 0.5 of SourceLink over the weekend. This post is going to be a short announcement, since I've even created documentation for installing and using it. It can be used to to do the source indexing as well as display and validate the source indexes.

I spent time getting it to work with LibGit2Sharp's PowerShell + AppVeyor build. Here is what the command ended up being:

A special thanks to Chet Husk and Jeremy Ansel who contributed fixes to this release. I  big thanks also goes out to Nessos UnionArgParser and Paket for providing the code to use it. It made creating this command line program possible. I now have a very easy way to add commands and arguments.

Road to 1.0

I've been conservative, probably too conservative with the version number. I'll be marking it 1.0 when once GitHub private repositories and documentation is improved.